We are aware that only through a constant and concrete commitment to achieving common goals and shared values with our stakeholders can we grow together and face new challenges of sustainable development.
Stakeholder engagement
External environment - Risks, opportunities and integrated Risk management model
Poste Italiane has always been committed to listening to the needs of its stakeholders and to building solid bonds of trust and transparency with them in outlining and consolidating its sustainability strategy, aimed at preventing and minimising any negative impacts and promoting positive ones. This contributes to the achievement of a good reputation in the social context in which it operates, with a consequent increase in value and benefits for shareholders, customers and employees.
As a starting point, the Company carefully mapped the categories of stakeholder it relates with during the course of its activities, identifying in particular, those stakeholders mostly involved who may affect the achievement of strategic objectives and those who may be affected by them.
This mapping was carried out in accordance with the international AA1000-Stakeholder Engagement Standard (SES). As a result of this activity, seven macro-categories of stakeholder were identified: shareholders and investors, local communities (trade associations, media, academia), customers (consumer associations), the Public Sector and the authorities (regulators, Fondimpresa), suppliers (business partners), personnel (Poste Italiane people, labour unions) and the environment.
The following table shows the stakeholder macro-categories identified, with a brief description of engagement and communication methods provided for each category.
Materiality and impact
External environment - Risks, opportunities and integrated Risk management model
The materiality matrix represented below identifies the eighteen most relevant and necessary issues to ensure an understanding of the company’s activities, their performance and their economic, social and environmental impacts. The order of priority of the issues has been defined taking into account two aspects: strategic relevance for the Company and perceived relevance for stakeholders.
The impacts relating to the material topics identified are entirely generated by the organisation, with the exception of the “Environmental impacts of logistics” and “Occupational health and safety” topics, which also derive from the activities of suppliers who work on a significant portion of the Group’s operations on behalf of Poste Italiane.
Poste Italiane Group’s materiality matrix
- Staff welfare and wellbeing
- Relations with social partners
- Occupational health and safety
- Equal career development opportunities
- Staff training and development
- Legality and incorporation of ESG criteria within procurement processes
- Financial inclusion
- Quality and customer experience
- Innovation and digitisation of products, services and processes
- Cybersecurity, IT security and privacy
- Support for the socio-economic development of local communities
- Dialogue and transparency in relations with the authorities
Human right
- Protection of human rights
- Environmental impacts of real estate facilities
- Environmental impacts of logistics
- Integrity and transparency
- Integration of ESG factors into investment policies
- Integration of ESG factors into insurance policies
Poste Italiane Group’s impact matrix

Integrity and transparency
Sustainable finance
Support for local communities and the country
Diversity and inclusion
Decarbonisation of real estate and logistics
Customer experience
People development
To be sustainable for Poste Italiane means defining a clear strategy on ESG issues and structurally incorporating them within the strategic objectives set in the Deliver 2022 Plan1. Over the period of the plan, the Company has envisaged €2.8 billion of investment in strategic assets, in order to achieve financial objectives based on realistic assumptions, with limited execution risk.
1 The financial and operating objectives shown in the tables refer to 2022.
The Mail, Parcels and Distribution segment has been reorganised to serve the growth of e-commerce. In order to increase the market share of Parcel delivery, the Company reached an agreement with labour unions regarding an innovative delivery operating model (Joint Delivery Model), which provides for afternoon and weekend deliveries. Furthermore, the partnership signed with Amazon in June 2018 marks another fundamental step in the implementation of the plan. Finally, investments will be made in new sorting and automation technologies to support the development of the division. In this context, Poste Italiane has also signed a framework collaboration agreement with the Italian Tobacconists’ Federation, which provides for tobacconists operating as pick-up points for mail and parcels. In addition, partnerships with innovative companies in the fields of logistics (sennder) and last mile delivery (Milkman) were finalised in 2019.
From October 2018, the Payments, Mobile and Digital segment, together with PostePay, has been authorised by the Bank of Italy to operate as an Electronic Money Institution in line with the Plan’s objectives. Operating as an internal fintech, it enables full advantage to be taken of the growing convergence between market segments. This division also serves as a competence centre for the implementation of the Group’s digital strategy.
Regarding Financial Services, the model focuses on the distribution of third-party products without credit risk, controlled by a distribution platform. The model aims at promoting sustainable growth, through a more efficient allocation of capital and a wider range of products. Important steps in the implementation of the Plan include the renewal of the postal savings agreement signed at the end of 2017 with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, the three-year distribution agreement signed in April 2018 with Intesa Sanpaolo, the agreement with UniCredit regarding the distribution of loans, and reaching in March 2018 a series of agreements with the Anima Group regarding closer cooperation for savings management services. In 2019, reached an agreement with Moneyfarm for the distribution of PosteMoney Investimenti to customers of Poste Italiane. The agreement with Tink, on the other hand, supports Poste Italiane with opportunities from open banking, resulting from a constantly evolving context determined by the new PSD2 regulation.
In its Insurance Services, Poste Italiane aims to maintain its leadership in the life sector by rebalancing its customer portfolios and shifting from traditional life policies to unit-linked products. The objective is also to achieve significant growth in P&C and private pension plans.
The structural integration of sustainability elements into corporate policies, processes and long-term strategy continued in 2019 and is an established feature of Poste Italiane’s business model.
Evidence of this approach, also in the 2020 incentive scheme, is the assignment of sustainability goals to the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager and consistently, to all key management personnel, the Head of BancoPosta, the Head of Internal Auditing and the heads of the various functions. Moreover, sustainability objectives are monitored and analysed as part of the Group’s risk management process using a specific Group GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance) platform.
ESG Strategic Plan
Poste Italiane’s ESG Strategic Plan is based on 8 key sustainability Pillars in the ESG areas relevant for the Group. This year, in consideration of the importance given during the Multi-stakeholder Forum to the issues related to innovation, diversity and inclusion, two new Pillars related to these issues were introduced. The Company is committed to achieving specific actions and objectives under each pillar for the proper management of material issues. These objectives have been identified also with reference to the targets set at global level by the United Nations in the Sustainable Development Objectives and the contribution offered by Poste Italiane for their achievement.